Mar 28, 2025
2024-2025 Academic Catalog
Worship Arts & Music Ministry Major, BA
The Bachelor of Arts in Worship Arts and Music Ministry will prepare students for Church Music Ministry and Worship Leadership in a variety of Church settings and traditions. This program will participate with CIU in fulfilling its mission equipping students to become church leaders who lead believers in worshiping God, growing in a deepening relationship with God, and gathering more worshipers.
- Demonstrate a level of proficiency on their major instrument adequate for church music ministry and worship leading, and a proficiency on a secondary instrument adequate for guiding team members in rehearsals.
- Build and lead a church music ministry that edifies participants and team members as well as the congregation.
- Write and arrange songs for worship and ministry.
- Use appropriate technology to produce charts and lead sheets, backing tracks, sound reinforcement, live-streaming, and live production as required in contemporary church settings.
- Demonstrate a knowledge of, and appreciation for a broad catalog of traditional and contemporary music designed for the corporate worship in the local church.
Admission and Continuation Requirements
- Worship Arts & Music Ministry applicants must meet the University undergraduate admission requirements and pass an audition for entrance into the music program.
- Students will be evaluated at the end of the Sophomore year for proficiencies on their primary and secondary instruments via lesson juries.
In addition to the required in-class courses, the following are required:
- Music Convocation (MUS 1000) is required of all students who major or minor in music. Music majors must take it every semester. Music minors must take it any semester they are enrolled in another music course.
- Internship: Students must take a total of two (2) credits of Internship.
- Private Lessons: Students are required to take eight semesters of private lessons in their applied instrument.
- Ensembles: Students are required to take eight semesters of ensembles, at least four of those semesters must be Ambassador Choir.
Completion Requirements
Course of Study (120)
Bible and Theology Core (18)
Sociological and Psychological Core (3) - Choose one of the following:
Math (3) - Choose one of the following:
Culture and Arts (3) - Choose one of the following:
History (3) - Choose one of the following:
Science (3) - Choose one of the following:
Leadership Development and Spiritual Formation (6)
Worship Arts & Music Ministry Major (60)
Interdisciplinary Ministry (12)
Choose 12 credits from the following (note that student choosing four Bible/Theology courses may choose to add the Bible Major): Ensemble (8)
Students must take at least 1 ensemble per semester (must take at least 4 semesters of Ambassador Choir and at least 4 semesters of Praise Team) Open Electives (6)
- Choose 2 courses from any department