2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Jun 22, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVE]

Course Descriptions

0100 Not offered for degree credit
1000 Primarily designed for undergraduate freshmen, these are basic introductory courses with no prerequisites except as designated.
2000 Primarily designed for undergraduate sophomores, these courses may require prerequisites or, if basic courses, may be taken after a year of college study.
3000 Primarily designed for undergraduate juniors, these courses anticipate the completion of lower-division studies and some have specific prerequisites.
4000 Primarily designed for undergraduate seniors, these are usually advanced courses for students completing undergraduate studies. Most 4000-level courses have prerequisites or anticipate the background of three years of college study.
5000 Considered introductory in graduate-level programs and may include some of the information covered in a similarly-titled undergraduate course; also open to undergraduate seniors and undergraduate juniors with at least a 3.0 GPA
6000 Considered more advanced and may include prerequisite requirements; also open to undergraduate seniors with at least a 3.0 GPA
7000 Considered more advanced and may include prerequisite requirements
9000 Doctoral-level courses open only to students accepted into a CIU doctoral degree program

Note: Courses numbered XXX 3950, 6950, or 9950 indicate faculty directed studies. In these studies a student participates in a seminar or pursues research in an area of special interest under the direct supervision of a faculty member in that area.



  • ENG 3530 - Literature and InterculturalStudies

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will study and practice engaging literature as a tool for effective cross-cultural communication. You will read translated works from other cultures and gain ability in discerning the world-view and values of the culture to which the works belong. You must complete an annotated working bibliography and do an analysis of a significant work from another culture to receive credit.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 
  • ENG 3540 - Classics of Christian Literature

    Credits: 3

    This course examines a selection of influential Christian classics (primarily written in English but not excluding translated works) which reflect a variety of genres and traditions of Christian writing within the tradition of what C. S. Lewis called “mere Christianity.” Particular attention will be given to how reading the Christian classics can be spiritually nourishing and help clarify challenges facing the Church today.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 
  • ENG 3610 - British Literature I: Medieval to Renaissance

    Credits: 3

    In the first part of this survey of literature from the British Isles you will study significant authors and works from the roughly eight centuries that separate England’s two greatest epic poems, Beowulf and Milton’s Paradise Lost.

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 
  • ENG 3611 - British Literature II: Romanticism to Modernism

    Credits: 3

    In the second part of this survey of literature from the British Isles you will study significant authors and works from the Romantic, Victorian, and Modern periods. (Or, alternatively, the course may focus on one or two of these periods in greater detail.)

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 
  • ENG 3810 - Professional Writing

    Credits: 3

    This course prepares students to write and produce the wide variety of workplace related documents typically required of writers by employers. Students will be challenged to develop a crisp and concise writing style through completion of short writing assignments, reports, and research projects. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 
  • ENG 3950 - Faculty Directed Study in English

    Credits: 3

    In general, a faculty directed study in English will be more focused upon a particular author, genre, or period than found in the other courses in the major, and the option of doing an FDS is reserved only for juniors and seniors with a GPA of at least 3.0, who have also demonstrated ability and interest sufficient to do a directed reading program under the supervision of a faculty member. Normally a semester project of approximately twenty pages is part of such a project. (1-6)

    Prerequisite(s): ENG 1111 , ENG 3210 , and permission of English faculty.
  • ENG 4400 - Practical Skill Development: in English

    Credits: 1

    Experiential learning requirements are defined by your program and assessed by the program faculty, providing opportunity for you as an upperclassman to gain competency and confidence in matters related to your future vocation. Tutoring, editing, classroom observation, aiding a teacher, or serving on the school paper or yearbook staff are examples of how you can meet this degree requirement. A minimum of 50 clock hours of direct experience is required for a unit of credit and advisor approval is required. (1-3) Repeatable as needed to achieve the required 3 hours.

  • ENG 4800 - Writer’s Portfolio

    Credits: 3

    This writing-intensive, workshop-based course requires students to draft and perfect a number of writing assignments in a variety of genres. Students will compile an electronic portfolio of their finished work suitable for submission to an editor or publisher.

  • ENG 4810 - English Seminar

    Credits: 3

    This advanced seminar provides an opportunity for students to integrate subject matter gathered from literature, writing, and humanities courses. The format of the course varies, but may include lecture, discussion groups, writing workshops, etc.

    Prerequisite(s): Permission of the Instructor.
  • ENG 6950 - FDS: English

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.



  • GER 2110 - German I

    Credits: 3

    This course provides an introduction to the fundamentals of written and conversational German. Emphasis is placed on establishing the basis for subsequent development of functional levels of reading, writing, listening, and speaking ability in modern German.

  • GER 2111 - German II

    Credits: 3

    This second semester German course builds on the material introduced in GER 2110 . It provides students the opportunity to continue the development of their reading, writing, listening, and speaking skills in modern German.

    Prerequisite(s): GER 2110 
  • GER 6950 - FDS: German

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.


Global Studies

  • GLS 5002 - International Student Teaching

    Credits: 3

    This course will enable you to experience educationin a cross-cultural enviroment. You will observe schools and teachers and interact with other national educational personnel and students. You will teach in local schools and receive pre-service orientation, on-site orientation, field supervisionand post-field experience, including debriefing evaluation.

  • GLS 5020 - Introduction to Islam

    Credits: 3

    This overview of Muslim faith and practice will emphasize comparisons with Christianity, will help you develop a better understanding of Islam, and will help you learn to explain the gospel to Muslims with greater passion and sensitivity.

  • GLS 5033 - Mobilizing Youth: Missions Study Trip

    Credits: 3

    You will study the principles and strategies in designing and leading a short-term overseas trip. Emphasis will be placed on personal spiritual preparation and cultural sensitivity in spreading the gospel. This course is offered in a missions trip format.

  • GLS 5115 - Missions and Evangelism in the Twenty-First Century

    Credits: 3

    Beginning with a clear understanding of Christian mission, you will explore and participate in a variety of approaches to evangelism in the context of diverse twenty-first century cultures. You will also explore other contemporary approaches to mission.

  • GLS 5600 - Introduction to World Religions

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will survey the origins, beliefs, practices, impat, and folk expressions of major world religions such as Hinduism, Buddhism, and Islam. You will evaluate the status of each religion in reference to Christian missions.

  • GLS 6051 - Missional Leadership

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will explore the distinguishing contours of the missional church revolution as well as the leadership required to lead it. You will focus on three primary shifts: The shift from an internal to an external ministry focus, the shift from a program-driven to a people-driven development agenda, and the shift from church-based leadership to apostolic-era leadership.

  • GLS 6510 - Communicating Cross-Culturally

    Credits: 3

    You will explore the complex interrelationship between culture and language, including verbal and non-verbal systems, role expectations, strategies for culture learning, and dynamics of change. Specific attention will be given to the implications for communicating the Christian message where understanding in a cross-cultural context has less to do with knowledge than with attitudes, sensitivities, and adaptations.

  • GLS 6515 - Understanding Cultures and Worldviews

    Credits: 3

    This course will enable you to understand the worldview assumptions which are foundational to a person’s belief systems and behavior patterns. You will analyze the culture and worldview of an ethno-linguistic or socio-economic grouping of people from a biblical worldview perspective. You will also consider elements of biblical contextualization.

    Prerequisite(s): BIB 5410 ; GLS 5110 or ICS 5050
  • GLS 6580 - Discipline and Church Planting Strategies

    Credits: 3

    This course sharpens your strategic thinking, planning, and implementation skills for facilitating discipling and church multiplication. You will assume the role of a field strategist as you research a specific population segment and develop a plan for catalyzing a movement of the gospel within that segment. You will discover scores of proven multiplication tactis abd tools abd learn how to apply these to a specific field context.

  • GLS 6950 - Faculty Directed Study in Global Studies

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.

  • GLS 7600 - Ecclesial Missiology

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will examine the local congregation through the lens of mission. The course’s aim is to stimulate your reflection regarding the local congregation, seeking ways whereby churches may become God’s agents of mission in the world. You will think creatively concerning the essential missionary nature of the Church from both sociological and theological points of view.

  • GLS 9051 - Missional Leadership

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will explore the distinguishing contours of the missional church revolution as well as the leadership required to lead it. You will focus on three primary shifts: The shift from an internal to an external ministry focus, the shift from a program-driven to a people-development agenda, and the shift from church-based leadership to apostolic-era leadership.

  • GLS 9070 - Ministry Training in Multi-Cultural Contexts

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will study ministry educational/training philosophy, planning, leadership, and programs that guide effective equipping of men and women in and for ministry, whether in your own culture or cross-culturally. By design the course has a global missional focus and content, with application to all ministry in all cultures.

  • GLS 9531 - Missiological Reflections

    Credits: 3

    In this advanced seminar on the theory and practice of missions, you will examine the biblical and historical foundations, the cross-cultural implications, and various strategies for facilitating the establishment of the New Testament church among all the nations.

  • GLS 9550 - Leading Cross-Cultural Teams

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will investigate theological, anthropological, and developmental foundations of team leadership. These theoretical issues will inform the practical challenge of developing team leaders in cultures that have different assumptions and worldviews. You will give special attention to the role of leadership development for teams in cross-cultural settings.

  • GLS 9600 - Ecclesial Missiology

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will examine the local congregation through the lens of mission. The course’s aim is to stimulate your reflection regarding the local congregation, seeking ways whereby churches may become God’s agents of mission in the world. You will think creatively concerning the essential missionary nature of the Church from both sociological and theological points of view.

  • GLS 9950 - Doctoral Studies in Global Studies

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.



  • GRE 3112 - Introductory Greek Grammar I

    Credits: 3

    Together with GRE 3113 - Introductory Greek Grammar II , you will be introduced to a study of the fundamental elements of New Testament Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. You will begin reading the Greek New Testament during these courses. (Completion of both semesters meets Humanities distribution requirement and B.A. degree requirements.)

  • GRE 3113 - Introductory Greek Grammar II

    Credits: 3

    Together with GRE 3112 - Introductory Greek Grammar I  you will be introduced to a study of the fundamental elements of New Testament Greek grammar, syntax, and vocabulary. You will begin reading the Greek New Testament during these courses. (Completion of both semesters meets Humanities distribution requirement and B.A. degree requirements.)

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 3112 
  • GRE 3950 - Faculty Directed Study in New Testament Greek

    Credits: 3

    This independent study option is available to juniors and seniors by special arrangement with the instructor. It counts as a Bible elective. Consult with your academic advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 3113 
  • GRE 4210 - Greek III: New Testament Greek Exegesis

    Credits: 3

    In the context of a method for the exegeticl study of New Testament passages, you will sharpen your competence in doing textual crticism, grammatical analysis, and lexical study. Your final projet will allow you to demonstrate your ability to take a text from translation to sermon outline.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 3113 
  • GRE 4306 - Greek IV: Exposition of Mark

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Mark in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Mark.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 4210 
  • GRE 4307 - Greek IV: Exposition of Luke

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Luke in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Luke.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 4210 
  • GRE 4325 - Greek IV: Exposition of Galatians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Galatians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Galatians.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 4210 
  • GRE 4328 - Greek IV: Exposition of Ephesians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Ephesians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Ephesians.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 4210 
  • GRE 4330 - Greek Exegesis of Philippians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Philippians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preparation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Philippians. Dual-listed with GRE 6330.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 4210 
  • GRE 5110 - New Testament Greek I: Beginning Grammar

    Credits: 3

    Together with Greek II, you will be introduced to the basic grammar and vocabulary of New Testament Greek. Emphasis is placed on understanding word formation and building vocabulary as a foundation for developing reading proficiency. You will begin to read the Greek New Testament during these courses.

  • GRE 5111 - New Testament Greek II: Beginning Grammar

    Credits: 3

    Together with GRE 5110 - New Testament Greek I: Beginning Grammar , you will be introduced to the basic grammar and vocabulary of New Testament Greek. Emphasis is placed on understanding word formation and building vocabulary as a foundation for developing reading proficiency. You will begin to read the Greek New Testament during these courses.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 5110 
  • GRE 6210 - Greek III: New Testament Greek Exegesis

    Credits: 3

    In the context of a method for the exegetical study of New Testament passages, you will sharpen your competence in doing textual criticism, grammatical analysis, and lexical study. Your final project will allow you to demonstrate your ability to take a text from translation to sermon outline.

    Prerequisite(s): BIB 5410  and GRE 5111 
  • GRE 6306 - Greek IV: Exposition of Mark

    Credits: 3

    Based on your translation and exegesis of passages from Mark in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Mark.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 6210  and BIB 5410 
  • GRE 6307 - Greek IV: Exposition of Luke

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Luke in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Luke.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 6210 
  • GRE 6325 - Greek IV: Exposition of Galatians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your translation and exegesis of passages from Galatians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthsize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Galatians.

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 6210 
  • GRE 6328 - Greek IV: Exposition of Ephesians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your translation and exegesis of passages from Ephesians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthsize the details of your study of the text into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preperation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Ephesians. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 6210 
  • GRE 6330 - Greek Exegesis of Philippians

    Credits: 3

    Based on your own translation and exegesis of passages from Philippians in the Greek text, you will learn how to synthesize the details of your study into its main expositional ideas. Course assignments will include preparation and practice in communicating the primary point and purpose of selected passages from Philippians. Dual-listed with GRE 4330 .

    Prerequisite(s): GRE 6210 
  • GRE 6950 - Faculty Directed Study in Greek

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.


Health Care Administration

  • HCA 1110 - Introduction to Healthcare Administration

    Credits: 3

    This introductory course explores the evolution, structure, and future of Healthcare and Healthcare delivery systems, financing sources, technology, terminology, and industry outlook for the Healthcare administration professional.

  • HCA 2410 - Healthcare Ethics and Medical Law

    Credits: 3

    This course will study the ethical and legal implications of Healthcare administration, including access to care, affordability, Healthcare interventions, patient rights, and the regulatory issues governing Healthcare and Healthcare delivery. Political and social policies contributing to the demand for health services are discussed, as are Institutional Review Boards, the legal structure of Healthcare organizations, and governmental regulations affecting Healthcare administration.

  • HCA 3310 - Healthcare Finance

    Credits: 3

    This course will study financing concepts specific to the Healthcare industry, including the interaction of public and private funding resources. Cost control strategies such as managed care, fee for service, contractual arrangements and disbursement systems in the for-profit, non-profit, public, grant funded and managed care systems will be studied, as will government financing of health services, including Medicare, Medicaid, Veterans Administration, and categorical sources of funding.

  • HCA 3410 - Continuous Quality Monitoring and Accreditation

    Credits: 3

    This course explores the concepts of Healthcare accreditation and continuous quality monitoring, from a perspective of selected accreditation, regulatory, licensing and certification programs. Accreditation programs, selection of health information systems, government mandates, and regulatory activities as they impact quality and delivery of Healthcare will be studied as will the legal implications of quality monitoring, social, political, professional and organizational influences on health services delivery from a perspective of demand, financing and service.

  • HCA 4510 - Healthcare Planning and Evaluation

    Credits: 3

    This course utilizes Healthcare research data, research protocols, and information systems in the planning, implementation and evaluation of Healthcare programs and needs. The impact of public entities and legislation in controlling the demand for health services will be evaluated. Students will review the efficacy and efficiencies of past and current programs and analyze past and on-going service demand and client outcomes to develop a Healthcare model applying the concepts of reimbursement, supply and demand, contractual adjustments and patient mix.

  • HCA 4930 - Healthcare Administration Internship

    Credits: 3

    This internship provides practical, “hands-on” exposure to organizational leadership, management and operations. This may occur in any international, domestic, or cross-cultural setting. Internship assignments must be approved by the BOL program director.



  • HEB 3112 - Introductory Hebrew Grammar I

    Credits: 3

    Together with HEB 3113 , these courses introduce you to basic Hebrew grammar and vocabulary. You will begin reading the Hebrew Old Testament during these courses. (Completion of both semesters meets Humanities distribution requirement and Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.)

  • HEB 3113 - Introductory Hebrew Grammar II

    Credits: 3

    Together with HEB 3112 , these courses introduce you to basic Hebrew grammar and vocabulary. You will begin reading the Hebrew Old Testament during these courses. (Completion of both semesters meets Humanities distribution requirement and Bachelor of Arts degree requirements.)

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 3112 
  • HEB 3950 - Faculty Directed Study in Biblical Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    This independent study option is available to juniors and seniors by special arrangement with instructor. It counts as a Bible elective. Consult with your academic advisor.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 3112  and HEB 3113 
  • HEB 4220 - Old Testament Hebrew III: From Exegesis to Exposition

    Credits: 3

    You will learn the skills needed to analyze Hebrew grammer and syntax, use exegetical tools and methods, and prepare sermon/lesson outlines based on the Old Testament text. The goal of course assignments is to prepare you for preaching and teaching.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 3113 
  • HEB 4503 - Old Testament Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exposition of Genesis

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the historical book of Genesis in the Hebrew text. Attention wil be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preperation and practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 4220 
  • HEB 4540 - Old Testament Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exposition of Psalms

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the poetic book of Psalms in the Hebrew text. Attention wil be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preperation and practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 4220 
  • HEB 4542 - Old Testament Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exposition of Wisdom Literature

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the wisdom books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew text. Attention wil be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preperation and practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 4220 
  • HEB 4543 - Old Testament Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exosition of Proverbs and Job

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the wisdom books of Proverbs and Job in the Hebrew text. Attention wil be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preperation and practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 4220 
  • HEB 4548 - Old Testament Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exposition of Isaiah

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the prophetic book of Isaiah in the Hebrew text. Attention wil be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preperation and practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 4220 
  • HEB 5110 - Hebrew I: Beginning Grammar

    Credits: 3

    Together with HEB 5111 , these courses introduce the basic grammar and vocabulary of Old Testament Hebrew. Emphasis is placed on understanding word formation and building vocabulary as a foundation for developing reading proficiency. You will begin to read the Hebrew Old Testament during these courses.

  • HEB 5111 - Hebrew II: Beginning Grammar

    Credits: 3

    Together with HEB 5110 , these courses introduce the basic grammar and vocabulary of Old Testament Hebrew. Emphasis is placed on understanding word formation and building vocabulary as a foundation for developing reading proficiency. You will begin to read the Hebrew Old Testament during these courses.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 5110 
  • HEB 6220 - Hebrew III: From Exegesis to Exposition

    Credits: 3

    You will learn the skills needed to analyze Hebrew grammar and syntax, use exegetical tools and methods, and prepare sermon/lesson outlines based on the Old Testament text. The goal of course assignments is to prepare you for preaching and teaching.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 5111 
  • HEB 6503 - Hebrew IV: Exegesis and Exposition of Genesis

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the historical book of Genesis in the Hebrew text. Attention will be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preparation and/or practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 6220 
  • HEB 6540 - Hebrew IV: Exegesis & Exposition of Psalms

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the poetic book of Psalms in the Hebrew text. Attention will be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preparation and/or practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 6220 
  • HEB 6542 - Hebrew IV: Exegesis and Exposition of Wisdom Literature

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the wisdom books of Job, Psalms, Proverbs, and Ecclesiastes in the Hebrew text. Attention will be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, exegesis, and theology in order to enrich understanding of each book’s message. Course assignments include preparation and/or practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 6220 
  • HEB 6543 - Hebrew IV: Exegesis and Exposition of Proverbs and Job

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the wisdom books of Proverbs and Job in the Hebrew text. Attention will be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preparation and/or practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 6220 
  • HEB 6548 - Hebrew IV: Exegesis and Exposition of Isaiah

    Credits: 3

    You will engage in advanced exegetical study of the prophetic book of Isaiah in the Hebrew text. Attention will be given to strengthening skills in reading, translation, grammatical analysis, and exegesis in order to enrich understanding of the book’s message. Course assignments include preparation and/or practice in communicating that message.

    Prerequisite(s): HEB 6220 
  • HEB 6950 - Faculty Directed Study in Hebrew

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.



  • HIS 1110 - Introduction to World History

    Credits: 3

    This course gives an overview of the major trends in global history that have created our modern world. The course will explore the major chronology of world history, focusing on the changes, continuities, and connections between major world regions during this period focusing on Europe, the Americas, Africa, Asia and the Middle East. The course will examine the cultural, technological, political, economic, religious and social transformations which shaped the societies. (3)

  • HIS 1210 - Historical Perspectiveson Cultures & Civilizations I

    Credits: 3

    This interdisciplinary study of world civilizations is particularly designed to help you begin to understand 21st-Century intellectual, social, and political trends. You will use a standard text as a reading base, surveying the history of civilization from the ancient world into the 17th Century, and hear class lectures that concentrate on the foundations of contemporary culture, particularly its circumstances, dilemmas, and options.

  • HIS 1211 - Historical Perspectives on Cultures & Civilizations II

    Credits: 3

    This interdisciplinary study of world civilizations is particularly designed to help you begin to understand 21st-century intellectual, social, and political trends. You will use a standard text as a reading base, surveying the history of civilization from 1648 to the present and hear class lectures that concentrate on the foundations of contemporary culture, particularly its circumstances, dilemmas, and options. This is a continuation of HIS 1210 .

  • HIS 2010 - World Civilizations

    Credits: 3

    This course surveys world history from the beginning of civilization to AD 1700. You will study the origins and achievements of the major civilizations of Asia, Africa, Europe, and the Americas. You will also be exposed to Christian, Islamic, and Byzantine cultures. Upon completion of the course, you will have gained a foundational understanding of ancient history-historical, cultural, and geographical factors-and grasp its relationship to the biblical record. (3) Limited to online program students.

  • HIS 2310 - United States History and Government

    Credits: 3

    In this survey from colonial America to the present, you will examine the enduring issues and themes of American history. While the course is structured around historical events, particular effort is made to understand the paradox of American unity through diverse social, economic, political, and cultural factors.

  • HIS 3110 - History of the Christian Church

    Credits: 3

    In this survey of the developmental history of the Christian church from New Testament times to the modern era, you will address four periods: Early church history from the First Advent of Christ to the collapse of the Roman Empire (5 B.C.-A.D.590); Medieval church history from the rise of the Roman Catholic Church to the beginning of the Reformation (A.D. 590-1517); Reformation church history from the Protestant Reformation to the Roman Catholic Counter-Reformation (1517-1648); and modern church history from the Pietistic Revival to the present (1648 on).

  • HIS 3950 - Faculty Directed Study in History

    Credits: 3

    This is an independent study available to juniors and seniors by special arrangement of instructor. Consult with your academic advisor.

  • HIS 4221 - History of Global Christianity I

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from its birth to the close of the Middle Ages. You will discuss and analyze the Early Church’s growth, challenges, and compromises, including the Crusades and early missionary efforts. Special attention will be given to the way in which the Early Church responded to the Great Commission by establishing churches in African, Slavic, Indian, Sinic and Latin American civilizations. Attention will also be given to Christianity’s relationship with both Judaism and Islam before 1500.

  • HIS 4231 - History of Global Christianity II

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from the Reformation of the 16th century to the early 21st century. You will examine the Reformation as a global phenomenon, comparing church reform in Europe with simultaneous developments in Africa, Russia, and Latin America. Special attention will be given to the interaction of Christianity with Slavic, Sinic, Islamic, Hindu, Western, African, Jewish, and Latin civilizations.

  • HIS 5092 - Central Europe Study Tour

    Credits: 3

    During this course you will focus on the cultural and religious history of selected Reformation countries. Prior to the tour, lectures will introduce you to the area’s geography, philosophy, theology, missions, literature, and arts. Specific reading and writing requirements will be included in the syllabus compiled by the instructor. Attendance at pre-trip lectures is required. You will spend equal time in preparation, required lecture periods, and prescribed activities on the tour as you would normally invest in a residence course. Register through TraveLearn.

  • HIS 5093 - Southern Europe Study Tour

    Credits: 3

    During this course you will focus on the cultural and religious history of selected Mediterranean countries. Prior to the tour, lectures will introduce you to the area’s geography, philosophy, theology, missions, literature, and arts. Specific reading and writing requirements will be included in the syllabus compiled by the instructor. Attendance at pre-trip lectures is required. You will spend equal time in preparation, required lecture periods, and prescribed activities on the tour as you would normally invest in a residence course. Register through TraveLearn.

  • HIS 5094 - Western Europe Study Tour

    Credits: 3

    During this course you will focus on the cultural and religious history of selected countries in Western Europe. Prior to the tour, lectures will introduce you to the area’s geography, philosophy, theology, missions, literature, and arts. Specific reading and writing requirements will be included in the syllabus compiled by the instructor. Attendance at pre-trip lectures is required. You will spend equal time in preparation, required lecture periods, and prescribed activities on the tour as you would normally invest in a residence course. Register through TraveLearn.

  • HIS 5095 - Eurasia Study Tour

    Credits: 3

    During this course you will focus on the cultural and religious history of selected countries in Eastern Europe, Russia, and the Near East. Prior to the tour, lectures will introduce you to the area’s geography, philosophy, theology, missions, literature, and arts. Specific reading and writing requirements will be included in the syllabus compiled by the instructor. Attendance at pre-trip lectures is required. You will spend equal time in preparation, required lecture periods, and prescribed activities on the tour as you would normally invest in a residence course.

  • HIS 5096 - China Study Tour

    Credits: 3

    During this course you will focus on the cultural, religious, and mission history of China. Prior to the tour, lectures will introduce you to the area’s geography, philosophy, theology, missions, literature, and arts. Specific reading and writing requirements will be included in the syllabus compiled by the instructor. Attendance at pre-trip lectures is required. You will spend equal time in preparation, required lecture periods, and prescribed activities on the tour as you would normally invest in a residence course.

  • HIS 5820 - History of Mission

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will survey the expansion of Christianity with an emphasis on the cultural and strategic dimensions of its growth. Special attention will be given to factors arising during the post-Reformation era which have influenced the development of Christian missions.

  • HIS 6032 - Mission in the Early Church

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will explore the missionary expansion of the church across geographical, political, and cultural boundaries from AD 100-800. Beginning with a biblically-founded definition of Christian mission, you will give special attention to missionaries, their methods, and their contexts of ministry. You will be challenged to reflect upon these historic examples of mission in light of contemporary mission practice.

  • HIS 6221 - History of Global Christianity I

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from its birth to the close of the Middle Ages. You will discuss and analyze the Early Church’s growth, challenges, and compromises, including the Crusades and early missionary efforts. Special attention will be given to the way in which the Early Church responded to the Great Commission by establishing churches in African, Slavic, Indian, Sinic and Latin American civilizations. Attention will also be given to Christianity’s relationship with both Judaism and Islam before 1500.

  • HIS 6231 - History of Global Christianity II

    Credits: 3

    This course provides a global survey of Christianity from the Reformation of the 16th century to the early 21st century. You will examine the Reformation as a global phenomenon, comparing church reform in Europe with simultaneous developments in Africa, Russia, and Latin America. Special attention will be given to the interaction of Christianity with Slavic, Sinic, Islamic, Hindu, Western, African, Jewish, and Latin civilizations.

  • HIS 6950 - Faculty Directed Study in History

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.

  • HIS 7250 - Seminar on the History of Global Christianity

    Credits: 3

    This working seminar will involve you in readings, research, writings, and teachings on selected topics in the history of Christianity. Emphasis is on student-led dialogues, critical synthesis, and today’s relevance of developed topics.

    Prerequisite(s): HIS 6221  and HIS 6231 
  • HIS 7610 - History of the African Methodist Episcopal Church

    Credits: 3

    The purpose of this course is to help you review, with appreciation, the African Methodist tradition and historical development, and to help you value the African Methodist tradition so as to enable responsible participation in the life and leadership of the African Methodist Church, effective communication of the tradition, and informed engagement in the ecumenical dialogue.

  • HIS 7650 - Presbyterian Church History

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will survey Presbyterian history from its roots in Calvin’s Geneva and Knox’s Scotland to its current expression in the Presbyterian Church in America. Special attention will be given to the development of American - especially Southern - Presbyterianism as the immediate background for understanding the history and current concerns in the PCA.



  • HOM 4300 - Foundations Biblical Preaching

    Credits: 3

    This course will introduce you to the theology and practice of preaching with an emphasis on structural variety, clear biblical exposition, and suitable application. You will preach, will be evaluated by your peers, and will evaluate your own recorded sermons. You are encouraged to take this course concurrently with a Greek/Hebrew exegesis course or a Bible book study. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): BIB 3420 
  • HOM 4390 - Advanced Biblical Preaching

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will review basic homiletical methods, homiletical variety, series preaching, and annual planning. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): HOM 4300
  • HOM 6300 - Foundations of Biblical Preaching

    Credits: 3

    This course will introduce you to the theology and practice of preaching with an emphasis on structural variety, clear biblical exposition, and suitable application. You will preach, will be evaluated by your peers, and will evaluate your own recorded sermons. You are encouraged to take this course concurrently with a Greek/Hebrew exegesis course or a Bible book study. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): BIB 5410 
  • HOM 6390 - Advanced Biblical Preaching

    Credits: 3

    In this course you will review basic homiletical methods, homiletical variety, series preaching, and annual planning. (3)

    Prerequisite(s): HOM 6300 
  • HOM 6500 - Urban Preaching

    Credits: 3

    This course will introduce you to the principles of and processes involved in the preparation and delivery of sermons in an urban context. You will examine the techniques used to create an experience that appeals to a worshiper who functions spiritually from an urban perspective and relates the Word of God to every aspect of his or her life. You will also explore the major parts of the sermon that, regardless of ethnic origin of the urban congregation, distinguish urban preaching from other types of preaching.

    Prerequisite(s): HOM 6300 
  • HOM 6950 - Faculty Directed Study in Homiletics

    Credits: 3

    A faculty member will direct your study as you participate in a seminar or pursue research in an area of special interest.


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