2018-2019 Academic Catalog 
    Jun 27, 2024  
2018-2019 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVE]

CHP 4100 - Chaplaincy Capstone Course

Credits: 3

This capstone course requires you to demonstrate and hone the knowledge, skills, and abilities you have learned through your courses. It is designed to enable you to demonstrate a basic understanding of chaplaincy through a significant, relevant project that has an oral and a written component. You should demonstrate the ability to gather material independently, think critically about, and be able to integrate, the theoretical and/or practical knowledge you have acquired throughout your undergraduate experience, and reflect on the moral/ethical/social/theological issues that are implicit in your project. The project will be designed to assimilate into an interconnected, unified whole knowledge and skills pertaining to communication, leadership, world religions, apologetics, ministry care, and sermon delivery as they pertain to and apply to ministry within the eight functional areas of chaplaincy.
