Mar 13, 2025
2022-2023 Academic Catalog [ARCHIVE]
PSY 4413 - Supervised Research in Psychology Credits: 3
This course is designed to give students time to complete a substantive research project and should involve conducting original psychological research. Credit is earned by working with a faculty member in a supervised setting on one or more psychological research projects. This may include laboratory research, data analysis, field experience, and library research. This hands-on experience enhances students’ understanding of issues in research design and analysis and prepares them for more advanced research opportunities should they choose to pursue them. Student researchers are expected to spend a minimum of 10 hours per week on their project. Enrollment by permission only. Repeated for credit (1-6). Prerequisites: PSY 3411, PSY 3420, Junior or Senior standing.
Prerequisite(s): Prerequisites: PSY 3411, PSY 3420 , Junior or Senior standing Undergraduate